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Office hours with Pam and Dr. Dan

On Friday, August 27th from 2:00pm ET-3:00pm ET, Pam and Dr. Dan are holding office hours in a zoom room to answer your burning questions regarding any of the pillars of Lifestyle Medicine: nutrition, fitness, restorative sleep, toxin elimination, stress relief, and community/love.

This will be a dynamic and interactive experience where you will have direct access to Board Certified Lifestyle Medicine physician and Certified Nutritionist Dr. Daniel Witkowski and his Lifestyle Ambassador wife, Pamela. 

By the end of our office hours you will have at least 3 incredible resources to support you in getting started with your plant based lifestyle!  We are excited for you!!!

Here is your LifestyleDesignMD Team: 
Daniel Witkowski MD, FACOG, FACLM

Dr. Dan is double board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Lifestyle Medicine. He has been in practice in Melrose, Massachusetts since 1997.  He is a Certified Plant Based Nutritionist. Dr. Dan has served on many National Patient Safety Boards and is a nationally recognized speaker and trainer. He is a member of the nutraMetrix Clinical Advisory Board and Faculty. 

Pamela Witkowski

Pamela Witkowski has run businesses from home since she was 17 years old, including 13 years as an independent civil attorney while raising 6 children. She and her husband, Dan, cultivated a joy-filled lifestyle and marriage through it all, and they decided 12 years ago to share their secret sauce with the world through their program - LifestyleDesignMD.